Hours: Monday – Friday,  8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Address: 120 West 1300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Phone: (801) 486-4877

Easy Smoothie Recipe

The next time you’re hungry for a snack, consider this easy recipe to make a fruit smoothie!



1. One banana*

2. Two small containers of yogurt

3. One cup milk

4. Three big strawberries or four little ones*

* You can use other kinds of fruit if you don’t have these two lying around.



1. Peel banana and place it inside the blender

2. Wash the strawberries and remove green tops prior to putting them in

3. Pour containers of yogurt into the blender

4. Pour milk into the blender, too

5. Place lid on blender and push preferred speed

6. When the liquid is smooth, it’s ready! Pour into a cup and enjoy.