This week we celebrate World Immunization Week by sharing information about vaccines. With the COVID-19 vaccine prominent in the news, it’s only fitting that this year’s theme is “Vaccines Bring us Closer.” We’ll focus on some less news-worthy vaccines that are still as important as ever. If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, be sure to check out some more of our featured resources.
The ultimate goal of World Immunization Week is to increase trust and confidence in vaccines. Staying up to date on vaccines from adolescence into adulthood not only protects you from contracting diseases, but keeps vulnerable elders safe, too. Here’s a few vaccine facts to share this week:
- Childhood vaccines: When your baby is born, his/her immune system is not fully developed, which means he/she is at greater risk for infections. Vaccines use very small amounts of antigens to help your child’s immune system recognize and learn to fight serious diseases.
- Seasonal vaccines: The influenza vaccine is a seasonal vaccine, which you are highly encouraged to receive once a year. Flu viruses are constantly changing, so the vaccines may be updated from one season to the next to protect against the viruses that research suggests will be most common during the flu season.
- Booster vaccines: Adults need to keep their vaccinations up to date since immunity from childhood vaccines can wear off over time. A booster vaccine is meant to re-expose your body to the vaccine’s antigen. The Td vaccine, used to protect against tetanus, should be received by adults every 10 years.
- Pregnancy and vaccinations: Pregnant women are encouraged to receive specific vaccines to help ensure the health of their child. Find more information here.
For a complete list of necessary vaccinations, click here!
Most private insurance providers cover the cost of recommended vaccinations, whether or not you’ve met a yearly deductible. Medicare and Medicaid also typically cover the fee of some vaccinations. If you do not currently have health insurance, visit to find your options.
World Immunization Month reminds us that staying up to date on our vaccinations not only helps to keep us safer, but makes our community members safer, too. Do your part: call your doctor and see if you’re up to date on your vaccinations today!
Be sure to come back Wednesday as we provide a timeline of recommended vaccines by age groups and a short video Friday.