Hours: Monday – Friday,  8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Address: 120 West 1300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Phone: (801) 486-4877

Hand Drum-Workhops

Behavioral Health Services offered two hand drum-making workshops in May (2023). Jacob Crane (from Cultural Fire Events) directed both workshops, which utilized indigenous teachings regarding the drum. Jacob shared stories and teachings from different Indigenous Nations and tribes regarding the drum and how it helps our people, including opening a channel to the creator and our ancestors. Participants received instructions on making and caring for their own drums, and Jacob sang a song during each workshop. In Calling Our Spirit Back, Jacob taught about the power of a song and a drum and how drumming can support one’s journey to find the Red Road and to be of the Good Mind. In Drumming for Wellness, he provided opportunities for youth and families to connect to culture by participating in a round dance and by putting on their “invisible moccasins” to help them in their lives. Families shared what they knew about Native culture, the drum and wellness.