Hours: Monday – Friday,  8:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Address: 120 West 1300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Phone: (801) 486-4877

Minimizing Stress During the Holidays: Tip 3

Pandemics are stressful. This stress can ruin the upcoming holiday season and leave you feeling empty. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off the negativity just in time to spread cheer this coming month and the ones following.

There are multiple reasons why someone may already find this time of year difficult. In a normal year, the holiday season presents all kinds of demands like shopping, baking, cooking, cleaning and entertaining. It can be hard to manage everyone’s expectations, especially during these hard times set by COVID-19.

Even amid this moment, it is possible to minimize the stress that accompanies holiday celebrations with a few tips and tricks. Healthily coping will help you, the people you care about and your whole community stronger.

Let’s talk about it.

It’s okay to say “no”

Protect yourself and your mental health by realizing that everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Each person in your circle is probably taking the seriousness of COVID-19 differently, and having opinions opposite from others is expected.

Saying yes when you should say no can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Friends and family members will understand if you can’t participate in every activity this holiday season if your comfort level isn’t there. 

Be true to your own beliefs and limit the number of people celebrating with you if you feel necessary. You may find out that you prefer smaller get-togethers, anyway.

For more information on dealing with stress, please visit cdc.gov.

For more tips and tricks, keep updated on uicsl.org.