Applications No Longer Being Accepted.
$5000 Cash Award in Four Distinct Categories
To celebrate our 50th anniversary: Honoring Tradition, Memory and Vision, the Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake (UICSL) is excited to introduce a new award called The Circle of Excellence, which extends the Woven Wisdom Award. This award will honor five outstanding American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) community members. Each awardee will be recognized for their unique contributions in one of the following categories: Expressive Creativity, Community Service, Sports, and Lifetime Achievements. The best applications will show strong leadership and demonstrate how you or they have made a big difference in our AI/AN community.
If you have any questions about the contest or application, please contact Mary Louise Santacaterina at 801-946-2785.
If you have applied for the previous Woven Wisdom Award,
your nomination will be accepted and considered for The Circle of Excellence Award.
Applications and/or nominations for employees or contractors will be placed in a separate judging pool and will be considered separately.
5 Winners & 5 Runners-Up
Both the winners and runners-up will be announced during the Award Ceremony in December 2024 (exact date to be determined). Winners will also be highlighted through all UICSL media channels, which will include their picture and biographies. Award money will be given at the Award Ceremony (in December).
2 Winners
2 Runners-Up
1 Winner
1 Runners-Up
1 Winner
1 Runners-Up
1 Winner
1 Runners-Up
Application Checklist
- Answer Questions in Application Form (either digitally or written): Please answer all questions and indicate how you have changed or influenced others or the community.
- Expressive Creativity Category: Please attach 3-5 photos or a video sample of your work.
- Headshot: If able, please supply a headshot photo of yourself (or the person you are nominating) for social media. Successful applicants’ photos and brief bio will be shared on UICSL website and social media pages.
- Optional Documents/Photos: You can submit 2 additional attachments. This could be pictures of other works you have completed, shows you have participated in, photos of you in action, letters of recommendation, anything that you feel would strengthen your application.
Download Form
The Circle of Excellence
Application/Nomination Form
Last name |
| First name |
| Tribal Affiliation |
Address |
| Phone Number |
| Email Address |
Please select which category you are applying for:
- COMMUNITY SERVICE: We encourage applications or nominations from all volunteers, active community members, and individuals who enhance the quality of life and make a positive impact on our community.
- EXPRESSIVE CREATIVITY: We encourage applications or nominations from all artists, including bead workers, painters, graphic designers, dancers, singers, drummers, flutist, sewers, potters, basket weavers, fine artists, crafters, jewelers, fashion designers, metal workers, and artists from any other medium to share your talents!
- LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT: We encourage applications or nominations for those who have served the Indigenous community for over 25 years, by passing on knowledge or wisdom.
- SPORTS: We encourage applications or nominations from all athletes, coaches, and emerging leaders in sports who enhance the quality of life for other athletes, serve as mentors and make a positive impact on our community.
Application (15 points):
- BRIEF BIO (15 Points): Tell us about yourself. Who are you? (or if nominating: Give a brief biography on the candidate) Include full name, tribal affiliation, area of expertise, achievement and or experience, core values and/or personal philosophy.
- CATEGORY (5 Points): Why are you applying for this category? (or if nominating: why did you choose this category for your candidate?)
- IMPACT (30 Points): How have you made a difference to someone you know or a difference in the American Indian/Alaska Native Community or an impact at UICSL? (or if nominating: How did your candidate make a difference in the American Indian/ Alaska Native Community or to an individual in the American Indian/Alaska Native community or an impact at UICSL?).
- BONUS (10 Points): What are your future goals? (or if nominating: Where do you think your candidate will be influential next year?)
- COMPLETING THE APPLICATION (20 Points): To receive these points, you will need too:
- Answer All Questions
- Provide A Headshot
- Submit A Minimum Of Three Additional Photos (or a short video)
- We do not expect the headshot or photos to be professional. We value authenticity over formality.
Please attach your (or your nominees) headshot and photos (or video) in an email submission to
If you do not have photos of yourself or nominee, state that in your email. We understand and will provide full points – just let us know you do not have photos or headshots to submit.
Download Form
Application/Nomination Detail
Completed Application/Nomination (20 Pts – Maximum) including a headshot and at least 3 photos demonstrating and enhancing the application.
- Completed applications (online or print) – 5 pts
- Headshot – 5 pts
- 3 additional photos or video link – 10 pts
- Brief Bio (15 pts): Tell us about yourself. Who are you? (or if nominating: give a brief Biography on the candidate).
- Full name, tribal affiliation, area of expertise – 5 pts
- Achievement and/or experience/core values and/or personal philosophy – 5 pts
- Detailed, thoughtful description giving examples – 10 pts
- Category (5 pts): Why are you applying for this category? (or if nominating: why did you chose this category for your candidate?).
- Answering Questions – 2.5 pts
- Detailed, impactful statement giving an example – 5 pts
- Impact (30 pts): How have you made a difference to someone you know or a difference in the AI/AN community or an impact at UICSL? (or if nominating: How did your candidate make a difference in the AI/AN community or to an individual in the AI/AN community or an impact at UICSL?)
- Write about the situation/give an example – 10 pts
- Write abut the action you took in the situation – 10 pts
- Write about the result from the action and example – 10 pts
- Bonus (10 pts): What are your future goals? (or if nominating: Where do you think your candidate will be influential next year?)
- Stating a future goal – 5 pts
- Stating how they will accomplish the goal – 5 pts
Judges will ask themselves the following (40 pts):
- Did the applicant demonstrate leadership? (10 pts)
Did the applicant demonstrate social responsibility? (10 pts)
Did the applicant demonstrate mentorship? (10 pts)
Do we consider this person a *change agent for the AI/AN community? (10 pts)
*Change agent is someone who promotes or makes a change in a system, organization, or within the community.
Time Frame
June 24, 2024 | Call for Applications & Nomination (OPENS) |
August 9, 2024 | Application & Nomination deadline (CLOSES) |
August 16, 2024 | Review begins |
October 1, 2024 | Awards announced |
December 2024 | Public reception and ceremony |
Applications No Longer Being Accepted.